Raw Hazelnut & Strawberry Tart

Wowsa. Things just got serious. How good is this tart?! I love the soft colours and flavours in this tart. It’s not overpowering and silky smooth. Strawberries sing Christmas to me. We love to go strawberry picking at our local farm, they are incredibly sweet and juicy. Fresh strawberries are a must in this recipe, and don’t forget to save some for on top.

Like all of our other Christmas recipes, this can be made in advance and frozen for up to 3 months. I’ve made mine, and it’s packed in a container in the freezer ready to defrost Christmas Day.

Raw Hazelnut & Strawberry Tart

Hazelnut Base:

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2 cups hazelnuts
1 cup cashews
1/2 cup pitted dates (soaked for 15 mins first)
3 TBS cacao
3 TBS maple syrup
2 tsp Macca powder (optional)

Strawberry filling:

2 cups fresh strawberries (don’t use frozen)
1 cup cashews, soaked overnight
½ lemon, zest
½ lemon, juice
2tbsp maple syrup
1tsp vanilla paste
1 can full fat coconut milk, refrigerated overnight
1/3 cup coconut oil

To make the base, blitz all of your nut & dry ingredients in a blender until crumbly. Add your pitted dates & maple syrup & blitz again. Should be a nice firm texture. Spread into your tart tin (no need to line) and smooth up the sides a little so that you will have a nice tart case when taken out of the mold. Place in the fridge while you make the filling.

For the filling, rinse the soaked cashews and place into blender. Add strawberries, lemon zest, juice, maple syrup and vanilla. Scoop the solid part from the can of coconut milk, add to the blender and blend until smooth. Slowly add melted coconut oil and blend until just incorporated.

Pour your filling onto the base and put in the freezer to set, at least 4 hours.
I like to press cut strawberries into the top so they set in, or you can leave plain and garnish with fresh strawberries and crushed hazelnuts.

This will store in the freezer for up to 3 months or fridge for 2 weeks.
